If you don't know code completion in Aptana Studio 3/ Eclipse for CodeIgniter 2 is very easy. Only thing required is to put following code in any new file in CodeIgniter project directory. It’s just a class in which all the codeigniter library clasees are initialized. You can even add support for custom classes by initializing it as shown. [php] <?php class _ { function _() { // any classes you want included in autocompletion $this->load = new CI_Loader(); $this->config = new CI_Config(); $this->email = new CI_Email(); $this->encrypt = new CI_Encrypt(); $this->pagination = new CI_Pagination; $this->session = new CI_Session(); $this->driver = new CI_Driver(); $this->benchmark = new CI_Benchmark(); $this->typography = new CI_Typography(); $this->form_validation = new CI_Form_validation(); $this->profiler = new CI_Profiler...