If you have a lengthy or large MP3 file and you want to split it into files of smaller size or duration, You can easily do this using mp3splt.
Mp3splt is an utility to split mp3 and ogg vorbis digital audio files without the need of decoding. It can be used to split a file into no of tracks of fixed duration and size or specified split points. It supports variable bit rate mp3 files, silent detection, splitting with local .XMCD, .CDDB or .CUE file splitpoints or from external servers like tracktype.org. It copies the original files first and then generates new, smaller files during the process of splitting without altering the original file. It does not do any encoding or decoding so the splitting is very fast and lossless.
Steps to follow
- Navigate to directory where you have downloaded mp3splt { if using portable version } .
- Run and execute mp3slpt using the command mp3splt .
- Specify the options according to which you wanna split.
- The basic syntax is mp3splt [file path] -d [output directory] [-parameters]
In the following examples I'll be splitting One Click.mp3 into folder splitted.
- To split between specific time range
In this case just add the time points where you wanna split. e.g. 15.00 30.00 would produce a 15 min track extracted from original file beginning at 15 min and ending at 30 min.
- To split into equal length tracks
You will want to add -S [No of tracks] where No is the actual no of tracks you want. e.g. -S 5 would split a 60 min audio into 5 files each (60/5=)12 min long.
- To split into fixed length tracks
To split into a fixed duration track use -t [length] argument replacing length with time.e.g. -t 15.00 would produce 4 files each of length 15 min for any 60 min audio.
Some additional important parameters
Auto adjust splitpoints (-a)
To prevent words being cut off between tracks while splitting you will need to use -a parameter. mp3splt will use silence detection.
Force output tags(-g)
By default splitted files will not have any ID3 tags. If you want tags to be present use -g parameter in the format. e.g. -g %[@o,@N=1]
Here @o: sets original tags, @n: auto increments track no for all following files starting from 1.
Output format (-o)
By default mp3splt names splitted files according to splitted time which look ugly
I tend to use format like { filename part-no }. e.g. One Click Part-1. So parameter I use is -o @f+-+Part+@n
Here @f: uses filename, +: space, @n: track no identifier.
You should definitely read the manual for more information
mp3splt has also a GUI called mp3splt-gtk. If you are not familiar to command line interface you should definitely use the GUI version.
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