I use Aptana Studio primarily for web development. It has great support for languages like PHP and JavaScript. But the problem is that I mostly use jQuery rather than code in JavaScript and Aptana does not have good support / content assist from beginning. So we need to install ruble for jQuery library. Ruble is short for Ruby bundle and is a runtime environment that allows the extensibility of Aptana Studio's editors by using Ruby. To install the jQuery bundle follow the following steps: Navigate to Commands | Bundle Developement | Install Bundle. Select jQuery and click OK. Aptana will clone jQuery ruble from github. Include appropriate jQuery sdocml in Project Build Path from Project Properties. Include a VSDoc file for jQuery in your project. [caption id="attachment_47" align="aligncenter" width="1313"] Aptana fetching jquery ruble from GitHub[/caption] You must include appropriate version VSDoc for correct Content Assist. [caption id="attac...
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